Once the grief settled, thoughts striked us
- Were we well educated for being a pet parent.
- What if we knew to pick up the first symptom of this deadly disease.
- What if & how could this malpractice of unethical breeding and selling sick puppies be stopped.
- What if there was a way Gabru could have been saved
We as a team researched, talked to multiple doctors as well as pet parents and NGO. Somewhere we felt that there is a huge gap of knowledge for a new pet parent. A new pet parent today except excitement and love , needs to have the acumen , needs to know the does and don’ts , and understanding what it takes to be a pet parent. In Past few years the word “Pet Parent” has prevailed over “Pet owner” and we do call it a victory. It takes a lot of responsibility and love and care to nurture a dog or cat or any pet for that matter.