Mon-Sat: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM

About Us

Deepali Sandhu CEO at ithinkpets

From The CEO's Desk - Deepali Sandhu

“I Think Pets” was born out of pure love for all the pets. We as a Team who has 50 Plus year experience in Pet Parenting. So Curious where it all started?

It started from our Gabru , As most of pet parents in India , whenever we adopt or get a pet home, all we look at is “Aww how cute is this Puppy” and max we will look at the breed or dog parents, But hardly anyone look at the health of the puppy. Getting a sick puppy unknowingly, getting him home and realising when its too late, even to save him.

That’s what happen with Gabru, We got him home , we all were super happy and excited, getting him best food, Toys , bed etc. But the very next days he stopped eating, we talked to the Breeder as well as the doctor, both of them said it might be the adjustment issues in new house. Alas, that was not the end of it , Poor puppy started vomiting and Pooping blood 2 days later. We all got scared and ran to doctor and he was tested positive for Parvo. For the full next week it was Tests and Drips and Antibiotics for a mere less than 2 kg puppy and he was detoriating every day. We did everything humanly possible to try to save him, but the 8th day we decided that he is suffering and even doctors gave up and we had to put him to sleep.

It was not about the money or that we got cheated by a breeder. It was one of the most painful 8 days for us to see Gabru suffer.

Once the grief settled, thoughts striked us

  • Were we well educated for being a pet parent.
  • What if we knew to pick up the first symptom of this deadly disease.
  • What if & how could this malpractice of unethical breeding and selling sick puppies be stopped.
  • What if there was a way Gabru could have been saved

We as a team researched, talked to multiple doctors as well as pet parents and NGO. Somewhere we felt that there is a huge gap of knowledge for a new pet parent. A new pet parent today except excitement and love , needs to have the acumen , needs to know the does and don’ts , and understanding what it takes to be a pet parent. In Past few years the word “Pet Parent” has prevailed over “Pet owner” and we do call it a victory. It takes a lot of responsibility and love and care to nurture a dog or cat or any pet for that matter.

And that is where we want to help, So we took a step and started “I think Pets” , we as a team always are thinking about your furbuddies and how can we aid to make there life happy and healthy. We want to educate pet parents , facilitate them in every way we can.

From a team of pet parents to another, we got your back , call us , ping us we will be happy to help

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